
Deputy Probation Officers (DPOs) supervise juveniles placed on community-based probation supervision.  DPOs assigned to designated communities provide case management services (e.g. assessment, orientation, contacts, service referrals, violations, court reports,) and work with minors, families, schools and other relevant resources to build on minor/family strengths, evaluate and make efforts to minimize risks and monitor compliance with court orders.

The Juvenile Dual Supervision (DS) Program supervises minors under the legal jurisdiction of the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), through Dependency Court who are placed on probation.  Minors receive case supervision from both DCFS and Probation.  DCFS is the lead agency responsible for planning and treatment and Probation monitors compliance with conditions of probation.  DS Deputy Probation Officers (DPOs) collaborates with DCFS staff to provide enhanced communication, supervision and monitoring of dual supervision youth.  Probation reviews new cases; consults with the DCFS social worker to coordinate services; provides case management, including making field visits, gathering casework or related information; enforcing conditions of probation; consulting with social worker relative to multi-disciplinary planning to meet minor’s needs; and preparing reports for court.