Central Records’ operation maintains the inactive and closed “paper” probation files of both juvenile and adult probationers. Files are ordered from this location whenever a new court referral is received for closed or inactive cases. Central Records’ staff are also responsible for digital imaging and destroying files according to pre-established guidelines, as well as providing digital imaged and microfilmed files upon request.
In addition to the above, the office provides clerical support services to a number of specialized programs, such as the Early Disposition Program (EDP), Adult Services Court Officer Team (ASCOT), Central Adult Investigations (CAI), and the Justice Inmate Video Conferencing System. Support staff also process departmental adult requests for X-file/case number consolidations, deletions, adult sealing, and adult record destructions via the Adult Probation System (APS).
The Adult 10SR/Regular and ASCOT Investigation Assignment Coordinators, both of whom are tasked with determining the availability of investigators for incoming case referrals, are located at Central Records, as is the Juvenile Automated Index (JAI) Section, which is responsible for processing non-detained petitions and the issuance of new Probation Department Juvenile (PDJ) Identifier folders for referred minors.