In Los Angeles County youth enter the foster care system through the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) or the Probation Department. Youth must be declared ward of the court pursuant to Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC) 602 before Probation becomes involved in placing the youth.
Placement Services Bureau (PSB) serves juvenile probationers whom the courts have ordered to be removed from home and suitably placed in either group homes, or in relative or non-relative care.
Generally youth receive this type of dispositional order after less restrictive court sanctions have not resolved the identified issues, and/or family and/or emotional problems play a role in the youth’s delinquency.
Youth are placed in environments best suited to meet their needs, which may include a smaller group home environment, a larger foster home facility, or a small family home. Youth may also benefit from outreach and prevention type services available through the foster care system designed to prevent their removal from home. Services may include:
The Placement Services Bureau serves approximately 950 youth of which 860 are placed in group homes. Currently the Los Angeles County Probation Department contracts with 40 group home providers throughout Los Angeles and its neighboring counties, and an additional 10 non-contracted out-of-state providers to best serve our foster care population.
The Los Angeles County Probation Department’s Placement Services Bureau is comprised of the following sections: