Granted by the Court and as an alternative to Prison, Formal Probation provides an offender with the benefit of supervision in the community by a Probation Officer. Offenders are given court ordered terms and conditions of Probation to follow for three to five years. If the offender violates those “terms and conditions”, the court will be notified and they could be sentenced to serve the remainder of their sentence in County or State Prison.
When an offender is convicted of misdemeanor charges, sentencing can range from probation, jail time, fines, community service or a combination of any of the above consequences. Summary probation, also known as court or informal probation, is supervised by the court, not the probation department. If an offender’s misdemeanor probation terms requires classes, community service, counseling, etc., they are held accountable by the court.
Upon your initial check in with the probation department, you will have an orientation and assessment, many classes will be offered to you for your success while on probation. You may also contact your assigned probation officer for information about classes.
If you are under regular supervision, contact your attorney, go to the court that issued the warrant, or turn yourself into a local law enforcement agency. If the matter involves Post Release Community Supervision, you should turn self into a probation office or a Los Angeles Police Department station. You can call the Probation Information Center at 866-931-2222 for further information.
Bail cannot be posted for a violation of probation (VOP).
If you are arrested, charged with any offense, or have any police contact, notify your probation officer immediately.
Immediately notify your probation officer about your plans to move. Once you have moved, immediately report to the probation office and request to fill out a change of address form.
You must not have or attempt to have any contact with the person or place. Any contact is not only a potential violation of probation; it is a potential violation of the law for which the person could be prosecuted. If that person tries to contact you, do not agree to make contact, tell your probation officer immediately.
- Current charges and any special allegations
- Prior criminal history
- Personal History
- Statement from the victim(s) and/or interested parties
- Evaluation and recommendation
This is specialized group of deputy probation officers whose function is to complete investigation reports.
The pre-sentence report guides judges to determine the appropriate sentencing for a criminal case and to help assess if the defendant will benefit from probation and other forms of treatment, or serve time in county jail.
Post Sentence
At times, the court may order an investigation report (post sentence) after the defendant has been found guilty or has pled guilty. The court can sentence the defendant to serve time in county jail or a state facility. Some defendants are not incarcerated but placed on probation for a designated period.
Bench Warrant Pickup
A bench warrant pickup report is usually requested when a probationer has been arrested on a bench warrant issued by the court following a revocation of probation. The bench warrant pickup report provides the court with information about the probationer’s activities after the revocation, his/her explanation for failing to comply with probation, the defendant’s plans for the future and the probation officer’s assessment of the defendant’s suitability for continued supervision and the DPO’s recommendation for a disposition in the case.
Supplemental reports are prepared when ordered by the court or when additional information has been received after a report has been completed or submitted to court. Supplemental reports can include new information in the areas of restitution, victim statements, interested parties, or subsequent arrests.
If this is a life-threatening emergency, call 9-1-1 immediately. Otherwise, contact local law enforcement. Probation cannot confirm or deny if somebody is on probation but can take possible relevant information. For additional assistance, contact the Probation Information Center at 866-931-2222.
Your probation case will be closed and you no longer need to check in. You may not receive notification from the probation department regarding your case being expired and closed.
You can also check the status of your court case to confirm your expiration date by clicking on the button below.
Early termination depends on your eligibility. You must have complied with all terms and conditions of probation, completed at least half of your probation term. You can request an early termination through your assigned probation officer.
Yes, pursuant to Penal Code section 1203.4. If you are interested in this process consult with your attorney.
Yes. You are entitled to register to vote as long as you are not in prison or on parole for a felony conviction. (California Constitution Article II, Section 2, Section 4 – California Elections Code 2101)
Offenders on Formal Probation who have conditions of probation stating “Must submit to drug testing as directed by the probation officer” or any other order by the court which calls for measures related to the collection of biological specimen (urine, saliva, breath or blood) for the detection of drugs, may not use cannabis of any form. If your drug test is positive for marijuana (or any other illegal substance) you will have violated your conditions of probation and the court will be notified. Clients on Formal Probation who have medical marijuana cards must submit a request to use medical marijuana to the court and the court must approve the use of cannabis/marijuana.
Approved 52-Week Batterers’ Intervention Programs
California Association of County Veterans Service Officers, Inc
Voting Rights for Incarcerated Persons
L.A. County Office of Immigrants Affairs
L.A. County Office of Diversions and Reentry
L.A. County Office of Education
L.A. County Department of Mental Health
L.A. County Department of Health Services
Approved Sexual Offender Treatment Program
Child Abusers Treatment Program
What if I have additional questions: Please call the Probation Information Center at 866-931-2222 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Depending on the level of the crime, the person will either be held for court or released on a promise to appear.
Bail Deviation Program (Pre-Arraignment)
The Bail Deviation (BD) Program is a free service that is available to any adult booked for a felony or misdemeanor charge in any jail facility in Los Angeles County. The defendant, either personally or through his/her attorney, friend, or family member, may contact our office for an application for an own recognizance or bail reduction consideration. Please call collect: (213) 351-0311 or toll free (800) 773-5151 for further information.
Own Recognizance Program (Arraignment)
The Own Recognizance (OR) Program provides a valuable service to all Los Angeles County Superior Courts by assessing the pretrial jail population detained on eligible felony criminal charges at the arraignment, bail review and preliminary hearing stages. OR Investigative staff conduct defendant interviews, verify defendant information, complete criminal record checks and obtain arrest information from the arresting agency. A written report is generated that includes an overall evaluation and recommendation regarding the defendant’s suitability for pretrial OR release. Please call (213) 351-0373 for further details.
Bail Deviation Program (Pre-Arraignment)
Any person who has been booked for a felony or misdemeanor charge except those persons arrested for a serious or violent felony, or violation of a restraining order. These are prohibited from release per Penal Code 1270.1 and do not qualify for the BD Program.
Own Recognizance (Arraignment)
Any person who has been arrested for, or charged with, an offense other than a capital offense may be released on his or her own recognizance by a court or magistrate. This includes a defendant arrested upon an out-of-county warrant.
At the pre-arraignment stage, Pretrial will send confirmation to the arrestee’s current jail location. Pretrial will also call to confirm receipt and obtain the next court date information, if OR was granted.
At the arraignment stage, the Courts will advise the defendant.
Defendants who are granted release on their own recognizance are contacted, starting five business days prior their next court appearance. Pretrial Services continues to make daily telephonic attempts until the defendant or other reference is notified. This process will continue through the adjudication of the court case, unless the defendant’s OR release is revoked by the court, failure-to-appear (FTA), or vacated by Pretrial for a new arrest matter.
County jail sentenced inmates will serve the remaining percentage time after good time/work credit, as calculated by the Sheriff’s Department. For court-ordered participants, it is the amount of days set by the court.
Yes, with the approval from the Sheriff’s or the Court
Proposition 63 enacted a court process that attempts to ensure prohibited individuals do not continue to have firearms. The measure required courts to inform individuals prohibited from owning a firearm that they must turn their firearms over to local law enforcement, sell their firearms to a licensed dealer, or give their firearms to a dealer for storage. Proposition 63 also required probation officers to check and report on what prohibited individuals did with their firearms.
- An initial Investigative Report to determine whether the defendant has registered firearms; Ammunition, Magazines and Feeding Devices.
- A Supplemental Report captures the following: A follow-up report that captures outcomes; clarifies previously reported information for accuracy; Provides any updated information to the court relative to the matter.
Effective October 2011, the California Public Safety Realignment plan mandates that non violent, non serious, or non sexual offenders are supervised by the probation department. This is also known as Post Release Community Supervision.
An arrest warrant ordered by the court against an offender in a criminal case. Bench warrants may be issued for violations of probation (VOP) or failing to appear at a court appearance (FTA).
A straight sentence is a state prison sentence served in county jail with no supervision requirement upon release.
An immediate sanction of up to 10 days in county jail for a violation of PRCS terms.
Under Section 1170(h) of the Penal Code is the supervision of an offender in the community for a court ordered period of time, after the offender has served a length of time in custody in County Prison. Mandatory supervision is supervised by the probation department.
A report submitted to the Court indicating which terms and conditions are alleged to be violated and the reason why they are alleged violated. The petition is reviewed by the court at the arraignment hearing.
See Assembly Bill 109 (AB109)
Also known as a PSI, a report to the court for sentencing, which provides specific information, including victim impact statements and victim restitution information, biographical information about the defendant, and a recommended sentence.
The supervision of criminal offenders by which they are ordered by the court to follow terms and conditions of probation. The Los Angeles County Probation Department supervises felony cases and some misdemeanors.
Money paid to compensate the loss of stolen or damaged property, medical and psychological treatment costs, and funeral costs to victims and other costs or damages as ordered by the court.
Summary probation, also known as court or informal probation, is supervised by the court, not the probation department. If an offender’s probation terms requires classes, community service, counseling, etc., they are held accountable by the court.
A jail or prison sentence that is suspended, or put on hold, while the offender is given an opportunity to comply with the terms and conditions of probation that are ordered by the court. If an offender violates their terms and conditions of probation, the court has the authority to order the offender to serve the suspended time.
“A person who suffers direct or threatened physical, psychological, or financial harm as a result of the commission or attempted commission of a crime or delinquent act.” The term victim also includes the person’s spouse, parents, children, siblings, or guardian, or a lawful representative of a crime victim who is deceased, a minor, or physically or psychologically incapacitated. (Cal Const., art.1 & 28).
The violation of one or more terms and conditions of probation set forth ordered by the court.
A report requested by the court to provide additional, supplemental information to a previously provided court report or hearing. The additional information may provide updated or clarifying information the court needs to make the appropriate disposition on the probationer’s case.
Also known as weekend work release or weekend commitment. Under the direction of the court, an inmate may be released before the maximum sentence in jail has been served in order to remain in the community and work for a minimum of two days per week in lieu of custody time.
Immediately upon release from custody or being sentenced to felony probation, report to the nearest probation office. At that time, you will receive an orientation and assessment and the probation officer will provide you with contact information.
Your court date can be found on the most recent minute orders provided by the Court. You may also click on the button below and enter your case number to find out your next court date.
The Los Angeles County Probation Department does not disclose adult inmate information. The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department inmate locater can provide information regarding Los Angeles County inmates:
Information regarding adult probationers is provided to individuals or agencies with a right or need to know.
Clients are able to pay online, over the phone, through the mail or in person.
Online: Online Payment
By phone: Call 866-755-0255
By mail:
Los Angeles County Probation Department
P.O. Box 60997
Los Angeles, CA 90060-0997
Please write your Department of Treasurer Tax Collector (DTTC) account number on all payments submitted.
In person:
Los Angeles County Treasurer-Tax Collector
225 North Hill Street, Room 109
Los Angeles, CA 90007
To pay by phone or online, you will need your DTTC account number and 8 digit probation X-number.
To obtain your DTTC account number or probation X-number, please call 1-866-931-2222
Contact your assigned probation officer to find out your probation expiration date. Your expiration date is included on your minute order from your last court date.
You can access your court records to check for an active warrant on the Los Angeles County Superior Court website by clicking on the button below, or you may contact your assigned probation officer.
If you have an active warrant, contact your attorney, go to the court that issued the warrant, or turn yourself into a local law enforcement agency. If the matter involves Post Release Community Supervision, you should turn self into a probation office or a Los Angeles Police Department station. You can call the Probation Information Center at 866-931-2222 for further information.
You must complete all custody time before having your case transferred to another county. Before the transfer-out process can begin, your probation officer will request the following items from you:
- Proof of residence (utility bill or rental agreement).
- Name of individuals who will be living with you and whether they are on probation or parole
- California ID or Driver’s License with current address
Once these items are received, you will be notified by a probation officer that your case is in the process of being transferred to another county. You may be required to appear in court for a 1203.9 transfer hearing; however, you will be notified prior to the court date. You must continue to follow your terms and conditions of probation and check in with your probation officer in Los Angeles County as directed until you are notified that your case has been successfully transferred.
All custody time must be fulfilled, and specific documents must be provided to the Los Angeles County Probation Department to begin the transfer process. A probationer must remain in California until a travel permit is approved through Interstate Compact. Upon receiving a travel permit and moving out of state, the probationer may not leave their new state of residence, unless they receive permission from Interstate Compact.
A person who has successfully completed probation supervision may request a reduction of a felony to a misdemeanor, pursuant to Penal Code Section 17(b) and dismissal of the charge, pursuant to Penal Code Section 1203.4. To receive a reduction and/or dismissal, you must request to appear before the court, in person or through your attorney.
AB 109 is an historic law passed in April of 2011 with the intent of reducing the state prison population. It is also referred to as “Realignment”. The California Legislature and the Governor passed this sweeping public safety legislation that shifted the responsibility of certain state offenders from State Parole to the local counties. The law allows for current non-violent, non-serious, and non-sex offenders who, after they have served their sentence in a California State prison, are to be supervised at the local County level. The idea is that the Counties have more experience providing rehabilitative services.
AB 109 also provides for the same inmate population above to serve their sentences in county jailsinstead of state prison.
Note: No inmates currently in state prison will be transferred to county jails or released early.
1. There is no such thing a “early release” under AB109. In fact, there is no provision for early release in the language of the law passed by the California State Legislature in 20011. None of the felons released under the AB109 program are “early release”. The only difference is that these state prisoners are being supervising at the County level by Probation instead of at the State level by Parole. This error regarding early release has been wide spread-we try and correct that misperception every time.
2. AB 109 probationers can only be returned to state prison for a new qualifying conviction.
3. State felons by counties are known a non-serious, non-violent and non-sex offenders, i.e., N-3’s. However, the non-serious/non-violent designation only applies to the current commitment offense. In other words, “non-non-non’s” can and do have prior serious/violent convictions in their background, but the current offense for which they were committed to State prison cannot be defined as serious or violent under the law. Also, sex offenders who are NOT designated as high risk sex offenders are released from the State to the county so long as their current offense is NOT serious or violent, they are not a Lifer, they are not a Mentally Disordered Offender and they are not defined as a Sexually Violent Predator.
Family visitation a vital component of the rehabilitation process and is strongly encouraged by the Probation Department. Through this process youth are provided an opportunity to engage in private and confidential conversations under the supervision of Juvenile Hall Staff. Once a youth arrives in Juvenile Hall he/she will be requested to provide a list of relatives including mother, father, legal guardians and grandparents. During the orientation process each youth is informed of the facility’s visitation schedules, rules and procedures, and is provided a Rules and Rights Handbook, that also stipulates visitation rules and procedures. Visits are conducted on Saturdays from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM, and on Sundays from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM. The visitation rules are as follows:
- Approved visits are limited to parents, legal guardians, or grandparents. A legal guardian must bring verification to the facility to be approved.
- Youth’s minister, priest, rabbi, or other authorized religious chaplain may visit with authorization from appropriate religious facility coordinator.
- Visits by persons other than those listed above are considered Special Visits, and require prior permission, that may be obtained via a court, DPO, or facility management.
- All visitors must be 21 yrs. of age, unless authorized by a court order, which would then be classified as a special visit and would require permission as listed above.
- Visitors must bring a valid approved form of Identification to be cleared to enter facility and are not permitted to bring any items other than 2 keys on a single key ring and their identification.
- Once verified all visitors are subject to search.
- Visitors are not permitted to bring personal items to youth.
- All visitors are to be appropriately dressed and must wear closed toe shoes.
Juvenile records are confidential and require a release of information.
You must check in with the Los Angeles County Probation Department, Juvenile Services office in your area. All youth with a new grant of probation must complete an orientation and assessment. The assigned probation officer may conduct home or school visits with the youth and schedule meetings with parents to determine how the youth is doing.
Please bring the juvenile packet that was provided to you in court. Also, please bring the child’s birth certificate and social security card.
There are many factors that determine the length of probation, including the seriousness of the offense, the youth’s compliance and progress while on probation supervision and the available custody time for their offense.
In order to have records expunged a petition with this request should be filed with the court.
Notify your local law enforcement agency and the assigned probation officer immediately.
When a youth has violated a criminal law, and the allegations are found true, and formal probation is granted, the Juvenile Court takes primary responsibility for the control and treatment of the youth.
The consequences of violating the terms and conditions of probation depend on the seriousness of the violation. Violations may be handled informally with a verbal warning, the probation officer may request the youth have additional terms and conditions of probation be imposed or the youth may appear before the court.
As a parent or legal guardian of the youth, you are responsible for paying restitution, fines and fees that are imposed by the Court.
The Juvenile Justice System may maintain jurisdiction over a case until the youth turns 21.
Upon completion of your probation and upon turning 18 years old, when requested, the probation department will provide the necessary information and paperwork to apply for your record to be sealed.
If you were adjudicated and the crime was found true as a juvenile, you were not convicted of a felony.
Once your child has been referred to the Probation Department for supervision, the assigned Probation Officer will work with the family to develop a case plan to address behaviors and risk factors that led to their involvement with the juvenile justice system. The case plan may include referrals for the following services: academic tutoring, counseling for drug and alcohol abuse, family therapy, mental health evaluation and follow-up services, and community services.
What if I have additional questions: Please call the Probation Information Center at 866-931-2222 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Any person who is under the age of 18 when he or she violated a criminal law, and receives a grant of formal probation.
Charges contained in a Juvenile Court petition that are dismissed and but cannot be re-filed.
The first court appearance for a youth who has been arrested and detained at a Juvenile Detention and Assessment Center. The purpose of the hearing is for the court to decide whether or not the youth is to remain in custody.
When a minor appears before the court following his/her detention for a new crime or probation violation.
Also known as a prehearing. The first court appearance for a youth who is not detained. The juvenile court makes a determination that a youth comes under its jurisdiction based on age, legal residence and the alleged offense.
A hearing which is scheduled for the District Attorney (DA) and defense counsel to attempt to negotiate a plea.
Prior to disposition, the probation officer conducts an investigation and then submits a dispositional report to the court. The report includes circumstances of the offense, the youth’s statement, school information, family information and a recommendation to the Court. The Dispositional Hearing is the proceeding used to consider the dispositional report, recommendation and to impose court sanctions.
A hearing to review a youth’s progress or status under probation supervision.
A hearing where suitability for juvenile court is determined. Under certain circumstances, when charged with a serious or violent crime, a youth 14 years of age or older can be found unfit for juvenile court and may be tried in adult court.
When allegations are dismissed but subject to discussion in the dispositional report.
In a Willie T. Waiver, the Court orders a youth into placement and then stays that order, allowing the youth the opportunity to remain in the community with terms and conditions of probation for a period of 60-90 days. The youth waives the right to contest the placement order if the stay is lifted and the placement order is imposed.
In Juvenile Court, youth are not convicted of a crime, they are adjudicated.
The maximum term of physical confinement set by the court for the offense or offenses the youth is charged with.
When a ward of the court is removed from the home and ordered to reside in a rehabilitative program.
DSB is comprised of three (3) Juvenile Halls, Intake and Detention Control (IDC), Community Detention Program (CDP) and Transportation. The following briefly summarizes each DSB operation:
Juvenile Hall
Juvenile Hall serves as an institutional setting that temporarily houses youth for primarily two reasons: prior to their court dates and/or after their adjudication, pending transitional placement/services. The three (3) Juvenile Hall locations in the County of Los Angeles include: Central Juvenile Hall (Los Angeles), Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall (Downey) and Barry J. Nidorf Juvenile Hall (Sylmar).
Intake and Detention Control (IDC)
IDC is responsible for screening youth for admittance into Juvenile Hall in accordance with established procedures and legal requirements for detention.
Upon arrival at Juvenile Hall, the Admissions Intake officer shall notify IDC who will then come and interview the law enforcement agency that is bringing the youth in. IDC officer will assess and determine if the youth will be detained, released on house arrest, or released with a citation. The IDC officer will conduct an interview with the youth and contact the youths’ parent/legal guardian to inform their youth is at Juvenile Hall. If youth is detained, the parent(s) is informed on visiting hours and future court appearance(s).
The first court appearance for a youth who has been arrested and detained. The purpose of this hearing is for the court to decide whether or not the youth is to remain in custody. This hearing must occur prior to the expiration of the next judicial day after the filing of a Juvenile Court Petition. The outcome is ultimately the decision of the judge. The youth could be detained, released forthwith or released on the House Arrest Program (HAP) with electronic monitoring. Also occurring at this hearing is the appointment of defense counsel and the entering of admission or denial to the allegations.
Also known as a prehearing. The first court appearance for a youth who is not detained. The court makes a determination that a youth comes under its jurisdiction based on age, legal residence and the alleged offense. Defense counsel is appointed and an admission or denial to the allegation(s) occurs. The court may order a Dispositional Report from the probation department and may make certain restrictions which will be noted on the Court Action Slip/Minute Order, such as no contact with victim, co-participants, etc. There may be additional court dates for your child to attend. These dates allow the court to be notified as to the status of the youth and their performance on probation.
A hearing which is scheduled for the district attorney and defense counsel to attempt to negotiate a plea.
A trial; also known as a Juris. Youth are not entitled to jury trials, therefore, a judge or commissioner will hear all trials in juvenile court. The standard of proof is beyond a reasonable doubt.
Essentially the same as sentencing in adult court. Prior to disposition, the probation officer conducts an investigation and then submits a report to the court. The report includes circumstances of the offense, restitution, the youth’s statement, school information, statements of parents and other interested parties, and the probation officer’s evaluation or assessment of the youth. The report concludes with a recommendation to the court for a proposed disposition.
A future hearing to review the progress of the youth under probation supervision. This may be a Non-Appearance Review (NAR) where the youth does not have to be present during the hearing, or an Appearance Review (AR) where the youth is required to be present during the hearing.
When you child first arrived at the juvenile facility she/he underwent what is referred to as the Intake procedure. During Intake, your child was asked to provide additional information to the Intake Officer who uses this information to determine which housing unit your child will be placed in, if your child is eligible to attend school and also understands about any medical or other special needs your child may have (for example, if your child is physically disabled or hearing impaired). Additionally, your child was asked to provide relation information regarding relatives, such as: mother, father, legal guardianship and grandparents. In most cases, you should have already received a telephone call from the Intake Officer during this process.
While your child is detained in the juvenile facility, all of his/her needs will be take care of by Juvenile Court Health Services staff. Each minor is screened for mental health, medical and educational needs. Your child will be fed, clothed, and provided with a place to sleep. Your child will also undergo a complete physical examination. If your child has been prescribed with medication, he/she will be given access to this medication by Juvenile Court Health Services staff. You will not need to bring any medication to the juvenile facility. However, if there are special circumstances, you will be contacted by the Juvenile Court Health Services staff. If you need to make us aware of any medication(s) or any special needs your child may have, please contact Juvenile Court Health Services. After hours, you can always call Movement Control.
For security reasons, your child is not able to receive incoming calls or messages. We have no way to verify who is calling and perhaps representing themselves as a child’s parent or guardian. If you have an emergency situation such as a death in the family or other legitimate emergency that requires that you communicate with your child, you should call Movement Control, identify yourself as a parent/guardian and ask to speak to the OD or the Director on duty and explain the situation.
Barry J. Nidorf Juvenile Hall: 818-364-2011
Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall: 562-940-8681
Central Juvenile Hall: 323-226-8611
Yes. Telephones are provided for outgoing calls that your child can use at certain times during the day (typically in the early evening hours). In order to allow time for all minors to make calls, the amount of time your child may speak with you is limited.
If you have any concern about your child you can call Movement Control, ask for the OD, identify yourself as a parent/guardian and explain the situation.
In some cases your child may have a court appearance at a court that is offsite. Your child may arrive back at the juvenile facility after visiting hours, so it is best to call and see if your child has in fact arrived at the juvenile facility before you visit. Please call Movement Control identify yourself as a parent of a child who had an offsite court appearance and ask if your child has returned to the juvenile facility. If your child is not returned or is not anticipated to be returned before visiting hours are over you can visit the following day during regular visiting hours. If your child has returned to the juvenile facility and visiting hours are still in effect, you can visit your child that day.
Yes. Please be aware that your child may be transferred to another facility without prior notice to you. In order to avoid any confusion, you are advised to verify his/her location by telephone prior to visiting. Call Movement Control, identify yourself as the parent and tell the person you need to verify if your child is still at the facility.
You may visit on Saturday from 1:00 pm until 3:00 pm, and on Sunday from 1:00 pm until 4:00 pm. During the week after court hearing you may visit from 5:00 pm until 7:00 pm for twenty (20) minutes.
Yes. Visits by persons other than those on the approved visiting list are referred to as “Special Visits”.
Visits are typically limited to two (2) people at one time, although you are allowed to have more than two visitors a day. For example, if the parents visit from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm and leave, the child’s grandparents can enter at 2:00 pm and stay until visiting is over. Exceptions may be made in special circumstances, such as a grandparent who uses wheelchair that may need assistance from a family member.
Yes. You may request a special visit.
No. Your child’s dietary needs will be met by Morrison’s (food services staff) at the juvenile hall.
Yes. Parents are encouraged to send their children letters and photos from home. For security reasons, items are checked prior to being given to the detainee. Items must not be offensive in nature (for example, sexually suggestive or explicit). Your child can get mail and send mail. Your child cannot write to another hall, camp, or the Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ). Your child cannot write to anyone in jail or prison unless it is your guardian or parent.
No. For security reasons your child may not receive anything other than mail.
Note: Remember that you cannot hand deliver anything for your child, even if it is something that would normally be allowed to be sent via the mail. This is for security reasons.
Yes. Your child will normally go to school 5 (five) days a week (Monday through Friday). Refer to “Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE).
If you have any other questions, please call Movement Control. During normal business hours (8:00 am to 3:00 pm), identify yourself as a parent/guardian and ask to be transferred to the school.
Yes. Catholic and Protestant services are held every Sunday morning.
Your child will be assigned housing based upon age, maturity level and the seriousness of the offenses. Additionally, considerations are given to disabilities and security concerns. Your child will be housed in a room by himself and will follow a daily schedule routine.
For legal issues you should contact your child’s attorney (if your child does not have a private attorney, then she/he will be represented by a county appointed attorney called a public defender.
We are the healthcare providers (Doctors, Nurses, Dentists, Pharmacists, Laboratory staff, and Health Information Management staff) for all youth who are placed in any of the Probation juvenile detention facilities. We are employees of the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services.
Services provided include: medical examinations and follow-up for identified health issues, dental examinations and treatment, eye examinations and prescription for eye glasses if needed, assessments for any health concerns a youth may have, administration of prescribed medications and treatments, immunization updates, and initial response to any health-related emergencies.
Healthcare staff is available 24-hours a day, 7 days a week at the juvenile halls. Any medical information can be provided to the nurse team leader at the facility where you child is located. This information will be given to the physician for review. When calling, please provide your child’s name, your name, and the best way to contact you so that the physician or nurse can call you in case we have further questions about your child’s health, medications, or treatment.
When the information is relayed to the physician, this medication can be ordered and administered to the youth. Usually, the medication is readily available. If it is a special medication that isn’t readily available, you may need to bring the medication to the facility until we can obtain a supply from the Central Pharmacy.
You need to provide a signed “Release of Health Information” consent form to the Health Information Management (HIM) Department. HIM staff are located at each of the juvenile halls to collect this form. You may also contact Heidi Mittwer at 323-226-8764 or 323-226-8723 for any requests or further questions.
In accordance with protected health information regulations, certain health issues, such as a youth’s reproductive health care, will not be released to a parent or other designated person without the youth signing a “Release of Health Information” consent form specifying that this type of health information can be given out.
For any mental health information, the request will need to be given to the Department of Mental Health HIM department.
Written instructions will be given including meal preparation and upcoming appointments with the surgeon at the hospital clinic.
Written instructions will be given including meal preparation and upcoming appointments with the surgeon at the hospital clinic.
JCHS Dentists are not specifically trained to provide orthodontic treatment. They can provide emergency services to the youths with existing orthodontic appliances that may be causing pain or irritation within the mouth (e.g. wire is poking the inside cheek, loose brackets or bands). Inactive orthodontic appliances can be removed only after obtaining permission from the parent or youth (if 18 years or older).
Yes, it is possible to bring them to the juvenile hall. You may hand them over to the Probation or Nursing staff to evaluate and provide them to the youth. Health Services will also be providing the contact lenses solution for washing and storage.
Yes. Upon discharge from the juvenile hall or camp, the appointment date, time and location will be provided.
Rebuild Lives and Provide for Healthier and Safer Communities
Enhance Public Safety, Ensure Victims’ Rights and Effect Positive Probationer Behavioral Change
We fundamentally subscribe to the fair and impartial administration of justice and embrace the following values:
Dignity & Respect for our clients, public and employees. • Integrity to do the right things for the right reasons – all of the time.
Leadership to develop an organization that is sustainable and will attain national prominence.
Rehabilitation is founded in a belief that people have the ability to transform into law-abiding individuals.
Contribution of everyone is valued and everyone has the opportunity to perform to their highest potential.
Commitment to providing service excellence to achieve positive outcomes for healthy families and communities.
Collaboration by working with others to maximize efforts and achieve positive results.
Evidence-based practices and policies as a way of assuring that our best efforts are leading to desired outcomes.
Probation” is not “parole” and should not be used synonymously.
County Probation is a term of community supervision imposed by a judge instead of a jail sentence or in addition to a jail sentence. Prior to Realignment, all inmates released from State prison were released to State Parole. Post Realignment inmates meeting a specified criteria are released from State Prison to the supervision of county probation (aka: Post Supervised Person) — PSP, while others are released to the supervision of State Parole. As of July 1, 2011, the biggest difference is that parolees are supervised by State Parole Agents, while PSPs are supervised by county probation. The rules under which probationers and PSPs are supervised vary.
We often use this analogy: Probation is the only law enforcement agency that combines the hammer of the law and the heart of a social worker in order to effect positive behavioral change in a probationer.
It is this unique hybrid of service that distinguishes L.A. County Probation.
Our objective is to rehabilitate. Detention is the opportunity for therapeutic, evidence-based treatment programs. Supervision is, yes, to ensure the Probationer is complying with court orders, but supervision by a Probation Officer also the opportunity to interact and stabilize an individual to reduce recidivism. Los Angeles County Probation is the only County department that works on a daily basis with the departments of Mental Health, Public Health, the Los Angeles Office of Education, and dozens of community-based organizations to effect that positive change.
Assist the Individual
The mission of L.A. County Probation is to rebuild lives and provide for healthier and safer communities. We believe that through providing supervision and rehabilitative services for individuals whom the courts and community have deemed criminally at risk, will enhance public safety, ensure victim’s rights and effect positive probationer behavioral change. Probation, along with our County partner agencies, provides a wide range of services and expertise for individuals under court ordered supervision, from the first contact after adjudication. This may include pretrial services such as risk assessments, alternative courts, electronic monitoring to providing probationers assistance with job searches, completing their education and social service benefits.
Assist Families
L.A. County Probation works closely with families by engaging and empowering families as part of the case plan for youth that are in the community on Probation supervision, detained or are in residential care.
Additionally, Probation works closely with families as youth transitioning from congregate care, residential care or detention back in to the community to assure that services are continued in the home and the community.
Probation’s goal with family engagement is to strengthen the family by assisting them in the acquisition of the skills and resources to parent effectively and keep their families intact.
Assist Law Enforcement
Probation provides crucial information to sheriffs, police and the courts on matters of detention/incarceration and alternative sentencing. It is a probation officer’s unique knowledge of a probationer’s history, family and affiliations. Our probationer database and departmental expertise is routinely used by the LAPD, Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department, FBI and the Drug Enforcement Agency in their investigations. L.A. Probation’s elite and armed Special Enforcement Officers (SEO) are Deputy Probation Officers who plan and execute joint special operations on a regular basis.
– Full Waiver of Confidentiality. This is when you need to interview and/or photograph a minor for the purposes of your news story.
– Partial Waiver of Confidentiality. This is when you only need to videotape and or record general activity but do not require interviews with the minors. You would collect audio and video but none of it in any way identifies the minors. This is typically a request to cover a program where the activity is the focus of the news story.
LA County Probation operates out of 50 different facilities County wide. However, often we share buildings with other County departments. This means the people walking in and out of what you consider to be a Probation facility are not necessarily Probation staff and should not be represented as such. It would be inaccurate.Also, Probation clients are protected by privacy laws including HIPAA, a federal law prohibiting the release of medical information. We ask that you respect those privacy rights and not randomly record video or audio of a Probation facility without first getting clearance and assistance from Media Relations.
Please contact Media Relations. Email is the fastest way to get an answer. Please state the following information:
Your name,
Your media outlet,
What is your topic? (details please)
What is your deadline?
Contact information?
Thank you.
We understand the importance of educating the public, but let us first state that the Probation Department by law is prohibited from releasing information about any specific case. Probation clients are protected by privacy laws. In fact, Probation is prohibited by law from even confirming if an individual is under Probation’s supervision. However, the law allows for certain circumstances when the Department may release a certain types of information in the interests of public safety or with the probationer’s consent or guardian’s consent. One such example is when a Probationer has ‘absconded’ or is a fugitive and there is an active bench warrant out for that individual’s apprehension.Another example is when the Probationer has agreed to be interviewed, signs a Probation Department media waiver. Each request is considered on a case-by-case basis. Each request is reviewed by any combination of Media Relations, Chiefs and Probation Officers.Waiver Form-Adult Probationer
The process is fairly simple but it is critical you plan in advance. You would first contact Media Relations with your request. Be specific about what is your story about? What is your deadline? Media Relations can assist by providing you the form for the court petition. You can also call the Juvenile Court Department 400 at 323-526-6377. You would fill out the court petition to be considered by the Juvenile Court. The Court requires time (generally between 7 to 21 days) for Probation Officers, the Public Defenders even the family of the minor to offer comment on your request. The Presiding Judge of the Juvenile Court will take in to consideration your petition and the comments/objections from interested parties and issue his decision in a court order which Media Relations or the court would return to you. You would be bound by the conditions in the court order.
Access to Criminal Offender Record Information is restricted to persons and public agencies as authorized by provisions of law. California Penal code Section 13102 defines CORI as records and data compiled by criminal justice agencies for purposes of identifying criminal offenders and of maintaining as to each such offender a summary of arrests, pretrial proceedings, the nature and disposition of criminal charges, sentencing, incarceration, rehabilitation, and release. Rules regarding inspection of juvenile files, confidentiality, and release of information are found in California Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC) Section 827.
A California Attorney General Opinion re-emphasized the legal requirement for California law enforcement agencies to maintain the confidentiality of criminal offender information. This requirement makes it a criminal offense to release a person’s present or past probation status to members of the public who are not authorized by statute to receive that information. This Directive provides an understanding of the types of records that are confidential, and establishes a Departmental process for handling requests for Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI).
Click here for more information on media rights.
Any requests for information under the California Public Records Act (CPRA) should be sent to:
Chereise Simmons
Los Angeles County Probation Department
Civil Litigation Unit
9150 East Imperial Highway
Downey, CA 90242
Please call (562) 940-2876 with any questions regarding the CPRA process.
A victim is “a person who suffers direct or threatened physical, psychological, or financial harm as a result of the commission or attempted commission of a crime or delinquent act.” The term victim also includes the person’s spouse, parents, children, siblings, or guardian, and includes a lawful representative of a crime victim who is deceased, a minor, or physically or psychologically incapacitated. (Cal Const., art.1 & 28).
Victims can also be an employer who was the victim of a worker’s compensation fraud case, an insurance company, a corporation, business trust, estate, partnership, association, government, or any other legal or commercial entity when the entity is a direct victim of a crime.
The probation department will contact a victim as part of the pre-sentence investigation or juvenile court investigator to determine restitution and advise a victim of their rights. The probation department provides sentencing reports and restitution memos to the courts, upon their request. A probation officer may contact you by telephone or mail to discuss any victim restitution you may want to claim. You may also submit a victim impact statement verbally or in writing to probation.
The probation officer may also be able to assist you with contacting a victim advocate through the District Attorney’s office. A victim advocate can help you know what to expect in court and if you wish to make a statement in court, accompany you to court proceedings for support. When there is a supervision officer, the supervision officer is the victims advocate. If there is no supervision officer, the District Attorney is the victims’ advocate.
A probation officer may contact you and ask if you wish to provide a victim impact statement at the defendant’s sentencing. Victims and/or their survivors have a legal right to make a statement about how the crime has impacted their lives. A victim can provide a written statement and submit it to the probation department to be attached to the presentence investigation, or dispositional report. They can choose to read an impact statement in court at sentencing. If a victim does not wish to provide a written statement, they can provide a verbal statement to the probation officer to include in the report as well.
If the alleged suspect has not yet been sentenced and you would like to report a claim for restitution, please contact the District Attorney’s office by clicking on the button below or 800-381-3811 and identify yourself as the victim. It is helpful to have the police report or case number available when you call.
Victims and/or their families of a violent crime may also be eligible for reimbursement through the State Victim Compensation Program for crime related expenses. These funds are available for medical and hospital expenses, lost wages or support, funeral expenses, medical expenses, mental health counseling and physical therapy. You may contact a victim advocate through the District Attorney’s office for assistance in filling out an application, or you may visit the website by clicking the button below.
Yes. The probation reports do not list your full name. Your full name and contact information remains confidential and is not available to the defendant.
The Los Angeles County Probation Department offers a wide range of career opportunities. A career with L.A. County Probation offers a uniquely rewarding opportunity to become an essential part of your community. We are the largest Probation Department in the nation with more than 6,600 employees. L.A. County Probation is a dynamic and evidence based department with careers in law enforcement and community service that range from special enforcement and investigations in addition to housing-based programs working with families and children. We also have all the ancillary jobs that support our critical mission.

The exams representative for Los Angeles County is the Department of Human Resources. You can contact them at 213-738-2084.
You can contact Probation Exams by emailing the inquiry to: or contact Exams at 562-940-2659
(When contacting, please have the job information you are inquiring about readily available)
The timeframe of the job opportunity process varies depending on the type of job requirements and the testing of the examination; generally, the examination process can take from 2 months to 5 months. The Probation Exams representatives contact you via email as the process is being completed, please check your email on an ongoing basis.
You can try possible email addresses you normally use to reset your password. The system will create an email with a password reset and instructions to the email on your profile. If none of the email addresses work, you can contact technical support by clicking on the button below.
We do not accept transcripts via fax. If you applied for a Probation job opportunity, you are required to upload them at the time of filing unless sealed official transcripts were requested to be mailed. If they were required to be submitted through mail, you can mail them to:
Probation Department
Attention: Probation HR Exams Unit
9150 E. Imperial Highway
Downey, CA 90242
Please make sure that the job opportunity that you applied for was for Probation before mailing your transcripts.
The hiring managers in Probation will contact candidates based on their vacancies within their respective shop. Your name will remain on the list for 12 months or 18 months depending on the job announcement (you can check under eligibility list information to confirm the number of months your name will remain on the banding list).
The eligibility list is provided to the Probation Operations Processing Unit as they manage the eligibility list for the hiring managers at Probation. You can contact them for information on the status of your placement on the list by contacting 562-940-2554 (ask for the Certification List Coordinators).
A Request for Reschedule is not automatically approved, there must be a valid reason for rescheduling for a test component. You must contact Exams prior to your test appointment, at and attach the supporting documentation of the reasons for your request to reschedule. Provide information on the date/time you are scheduled; the test you were scheduled to attend and your information. A representative will respond to your inquiry/request via email.
If you applied for a job and recently tested for a different job, the exams representative will verify it through the submission of your application. You do not need to inform the exams unit as it is an automatic review to check if the test components can be transferred.
Typically, for large filings and a limited amount of applications, we may max out in 5 to 10 minutes. Most of the time we reach the 200-application submission mark in 10 minutes.
A written test can take from 2 hours to 6 hours. It is best practice to dress business casual for this examination.
An oral test is the same as an in-person interview. It is best practice you dress up business casual/professional for this part of the examination.
You may contact 562-940-2820 for inquiries; leave a detailed message and someone will get back to you via email or phone.