FFP was created as a case management practice for juvenile justice workers who are charged with supervision of youth in a community setting. Traditional supervision models are commonly set up to monitor only adjudicated youth. FFP’s primary strength is in employing the support of family and/or community members. By strengthening the family support system, we greatly increase the likelihood for long term success with the youth we’re charged to supervise and the families we serve.
Engage & Motivate
Address negativity, blame and hopelessness
Create a relational focus
Maintain balanced alliance with all participants
Help the family see different, more productive solutions
Support & Monitor
Link family to community resources
Address risk and protective factors
Identify positive changes
Relate changes to other situations
Relapse prevention
Family first: In FFP we maintain a relational or family focus rather than providing individual, youth-based services. We meet with family’s right from the beginning and continue throughout supervision. Probation is a temporary service so we ultimately want to rely on the family/support system to encourage and sustain positive changes. We find creative ways to shift the focus from the youth to what the family challenges might be.
Change is a process: No one changes overnight. By working with families to decrease risk factors, (hopelessness, individual focus, negativity, blame) and enhance protective factors, (individual/family strengths, pro-social activities, work, school, etc.), we can help to provide motivation for sustainable changes.
Maintain respect for Individual Differences: As much as possible, we work hard to understand individuals and families on their own terms with respect for their needs and priorities. We attempt to match each phase of the FFP intervention to the unique cultural and social differences of the family or individual participant.
Strength-Based: FFP asks that we learn to recognize strength in all forms. We acknowledge the inherent dangers of harmful behaviors and offer a positive outlook for their purpose. We work hard to point out the assets of behaviors event when they appear detrimental to the families we serve. FFP trains us to look at the individual as a whole. We believe there is a ‘noble intent’ motivating our behaviors, and we use positive regard as a way to empower youth and families.
For more information on FFP, please contact PCTS Director, Hania Cardenas, at 323‑730‑4512, hania.cardenas@probation.lacounty.gov