Probation Media Contact: (562) 315-3388
For Immediate Release:
March 8, 2024
Probation Department Issues Statement on Report Issued by OIG
Regarding November 2023 Escape from Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall
LOS ANGELES – The Los Angeles County Probation Department has received and thoroughly reviewed the recent report issued by the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) regarding the escape on November 4, 2023, from Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall (LPJH).
The OIG recommendations are currently under review. The Department is committed to full implementation of any corrective actions that strengthens and improves the operations of our juvenile facilities as well as cooperation with the OIG. Some actions have already been taken and other efforts are underway as highlighted in the OIG’s report, such as:
- On November 8, 2023, the Probation Department installed razor wire on the entire west perimeter wall and about a quarter of the northwest perimeter wall. The Department installed razor wire on the remaining facility walls on December 11, 2023.
- The Probation Department referred at least one staff member to its Internal Affairs Bureau to investigate policy violations.
- LPJH supervisors plan to facilitate periodic classification reviews based on highlighted criteria, such as relative sophistication (social maturity and gang involvement), criminal sophistication, special handling codes (escape, suicidal, dangerous, etc.), and public safety considerations, to consider the level of supervision of the youths.
To address the staffing concerns raised in the report, the Department is implementing the following emergency staffing changes:
Deputy Probation Officers assigned to field operations will be reassigned to Barry J. Nidorf or Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall in 60-day increments.
- Staff will be reassigned in groups of 50, at a minimum, to Barry J. Nidorf and 200, at a minimum to Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall.
- Deployed staff will attend all necessary and required trainings prior to their deployment.
In addition, the Department will reassign sworn managers to both facilities as follows:
- Directors and Assistant Directors will be reassigned to Barry J. Nidorf and Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall for a period of 90 days to assist with BSCC Title 15 compliance, facility operations and support staff assigned to the living units.
- Managers will attend all necessary and required training prior to deployment.
It is our hope that these changes will allow for effective operation of our juvenile facilities, protect the community from public safety risks and tighten our security protocols going forward.
Finally, the Department understands the potential impact to field operations as we shift field staff to our juvenile institutions and as such, remains actively engaged in the delicate task of balancing the demands of the juvenile hall and institutions with those of the adult and juvenile field probation programs. We recognize the unique needs and vulnerabilities of both populations and continue to work to implement strategic measures to ensure equitable attention and resources.