To maximize the opportunity for collaborative case management and to enhance cohesion between both Workforce Development and Probation, Deputy Probation Officers (DPOs) are co-located at ten comprehensive L.A.County America’s Job Centers of California (AJCCs). These INVEST DPOs, AJCC INVEST Career Development Specialists and AJCC INVEST Business Services Representatives are trained in an evidence-based training program created by the National Institute of Corrections to become Offender Workforce Development Specialists (OWDS). This program has equipped staff from both departments with the tools necessary to help facilitate the employment of those reentering the community from a background with involvement in the justice system
Career Planning
INVEST Staff conduct careful evaluations of individual strengths, lifestyle preferences, passions, work style, and financial needs in planning various potential career paths.
In order to evaluate the suitability of work options, it is important to know both who you are as a person and who you desire to become a professional. This involves taking a careful inventory of your current career values, interests, skills, and personal qualities.
Individualized Employment Plans
INVEST Staff create employment plans for participants. An employment plan identifies the desired services of the one stop system and develops an action plan. An Employment Plan should include a full array of options for the participant from which program staff, together with the participant, makes informed decisions and select the appropriate services, which will best enable the participant to seek and retain long-term self-sufficient employment.
Referrals to Outside Resources
INVEST Staff are trained to provide appropriate and timely referrals whenever:
- They are not sufficiently qualified to meet a client’s needs;
- Personal needs and/or life circumstances could compromise the capacity to provide effective professional services; or
- Additional or alternative services are needed to reduce barriers to employment.
Workforce Preparation & Training
INVEST Staff understand the importance of workforce preparation. This specific preparation provides a safety net for INVEST participants, who may not know what success looks or feels like.
INVEST has a tradition of helping reentry clients succeed in getting the skills they need to be successful in school, on the job and in life. They know it’s not easy for justice involved individuals to succeed in society. Some lack the support of family and friends. Others lack the basic necessities of food and shelter. But regardless of their background, INVEST has the educational and community resources to prepare participants for meaningful, stable and financially rewarding employment so they can support themselves and their families in the future.
High School Diploma/GED Programs
Reentry education reduces recidivism rates, saves taxpayer dollars, and creates safer communities. INVEST can link participants to educational opportunities that will help pave the way positive changes and sustainable employments.
Career Counseling and Mentoring
INVEST Staff are trained to help participants using aptitude, interests and achievement assessments, to help clients evaluate their interests, skills, and abilities. They evaluate clients’ background, education, and training, to help them develop realistic goals.
Job Leads to Employers
INVEST has Business Service Representatives and Case Managers who cultivate business and community organization relationships. These unique relationships help participants find sustainable employment opportunities that they may not have known of.
Employer Recruitment
INVEST understands that participants need opportunities to meet employers. Contact a participating AJCC to find out about job fairs, targeted employment recruitments and employment matching. See the calendar for upcoming workshops and recruitments:
Resume Assistance
INVEST Case Service Managers will assist participants with resume writing and job searches using online resume formats. Some services include:
- Formatting resumes properly
- Explaining any gaps in employment.
- Identifying and quantifying accomplishments
- Catering resumes to a specific industry and position
Mock Interviews
INVEST Case Service Managers can assist participants with their interviewing skills. Some services include:
- Researching the company before interviews to understand the requirements of the job and how to benefit the organization.
- Dressing and grooming for success
- Helping to minimize anxiety
- Assisting in development of career goals
- Showcasing accomplishments and preparing to tell related stories.
- Practicing interview answers out loud
- Showing enthusiasm and interest
- Role playing to ensure success
- Providing honest feedback
Job Readiness Workshops
INVEST has various workshops to prepare participants for the workforce. Contact the participating AJCCs for their monthly calendar of events.