Types of Supervision

The mission of Los Angeles County Probation Department’s Adult Field Supervision Operations is to protect the community by providing services to the courts, victims, and probationers. The goal is that probationers under felony probation supervision will be appropriately supervised and that through the use of Evidence-based supervision practices, the probation officer will offer the probationer the best opportunity to successfully re-enter the community without re-offending.

The Los Angeles County Probation Department is responsible for the supervision of approximately 38,500 adults under Felony Probation and AB 109 supervision. The Department offers a wide variety of supervision programs designed to ensure public safety, address victim issues, and foster positive behavioral change. The Department continues to seek innovative ways to improve public safety, reduce the risk of recidivism, and reduce the number of state prison commitments.


As part of the Substance Abuse Crime Prevention Act of 2000, non-violent drug offenders sentenced under Penal Code Section 1210 are assigned to a Proposition 36 caseload. The probation officer will monitor the probationer for new arrests, compliance with the payment of court ordered fines and fees, and provide the court with a termination report at the close of supervision.


Probationer assigned to this caseload was assessed to have the lowest risk of continued criminal activity. They report monthly by KIOSK which is located in most area offices.


Probationers assigned to this caseload were convicted of specific crimes related to domestic violence, child abuse and endangerment, or elder abuse. Participants are required to participate in state mandated programs for Batterers Intervention and Child Abuse. Probation Officers assigned to supervise these caseloads receive special training in the application of domestic violence assessments and child abuse and elder abuse recognition.


Probationers assigned to this caseload are determined to be active gang members or associates, may have specific orders from the court regarding participating in gang activity, or have a requirement to register with local law enforcement as a gang offender. These probationers are seen once a month, face-to-face in the office and may be contacted in the field by members of the Probation Department Mobile Gang Unit.


Probationers assigned to this level of supervision are required to register with local law enforcement pursuant to Penal Code section 290, regardless of whether the current offense is a sex offense or not. The probationers report to the area office once a month for a face-to face meeting with their probation officer.  They will be seen once a month in the community by their probation officer. All eligible probationers assigned to the sex registrant caseload are required to be supervised in accordance with the Containment Model for Sex Offenders. Containment Model, is a comprehensive strategy to manage offenders in a systematic and thorough manner. The central goal of the Containment Model is supporting community and victim safety by holding sex offenders responsible for the harm they inflict and helping them recognize and redirect the inappropriate thoughts and feelings that form the pathways to their crimes. The model recognizes multiple entities play important roles in the community management of sex offenders and emphasizes the importance of open collaboration between these key players. In accordance with state law, all high risk sex offenders are placed on Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) monitoring for the duration of their felony probation supervision.

Probationer may also be placed on one of these special program caseloads:

Driving Under the Influence
This Federally Funded program, through the Office of Traffic Safety, seeks to reduce the number of drunk driving related accidents and fatalities in the City of Pomona. Probation Officers assigned to this program see probationers at least once a month in the office, or in the community. They also work with local police and Highway Patrol running DUI Check Points operations to enhance the safety of the community and the effectiveness of supervision.

Alternative Treatment Caseload
This program was originally funded by a Byrne/JAG Federal Grant for the reduction of state prison commitments through enhanced, Evidence-based practices in probation supervision to improve probation outcomes. The Alternative Treatment Caseload program is currently funded through California Senate Bill 678, which continues in the original mission of the Byrne/JAG Federal grant.  In short, probationers complete probation successfully, and have the tools to remain crime free, will be an impact on both public safety and state prison commitments. This is the most intensive level of supervision for adult probationer, and uses Cognitive Behavioral Journals and intensive counseling to affect positive address risk factors and effect positive behavioral change.

Financial Evaluation Team
In addition to the supervision services, the Probation Department provides a Financial Evaluation Team to assist probationers in paying their court ordered victim restitution, fine, fees, and cost of supervision. Located in all Probation area offices, the Financial Evaluators will use information provided by the probationer to determine how much they can afford to pay towards these court ordered charges.


This is not a supervision caseload, but is a service that provides monitoring of state mandated treatment programs for domestic violence, child abuse, and sexual abuse. Probation officers assigned to this program monitor treatment providers to ensure they are compliance with all requirements for facilitating these treatment programs. The unit maintains a list of approved treatment providers, assesses the need for additional providers in growing areas or underserved areas of the county, and recruits providers to provide services in those areas. This unit is essential in ensuring that probationers receive the approved state mandated services required as part of their conditions of supervision.


The Drug Court service is available to nonviolent defendants arrested for specific felony drug charges.  PTS interviews the defendant and verifies the information received.  A complete criminal history is compiled and an assessment of eligibility is completed.  The Court places the eligible defendant in a court-supervised, comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation program. Drug Court relies on the judge to monitor closely the participation of the defendants.  Defendants who successfully complete the program have their drug case dismissed.  The program runs 6-9 months and involves individual and group counseling, acupuncture, and programs of educational, vocational training and job placement.


Probation collaborated with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and the Department of Health Services to develop and implement the Women’s Integrated Supervision Program (WISP) to address the specific needs of female clients pending release from custody into the community who may be homeless, have mental health and/or substance abuse issues, and/or are repeatedly detained on technical violations or new arrests. Probation Officers are assigned to WISP and located within the Lynwood Justice Center (Century Regional Detention Facility) and work with Department of Health Services case managers to identifying reentry needs and to provide basic instructions or reinstructions on expectations for community supervision.


The Community Collaborative Courts (CCC) are designed to be multidisciplinary and resourced appropriately to assist a population of at-risk offenders likely to recidivate and serves as an alternative to traditional incarceration.  These populations include: veterans, the chronically homeless, the mentally ill, substance abusers, transitional aged youth and victims of human trafficking.  The CCC’s are designed around a collaborative team approach, which includes the Los Angeles Superior Court (LASC), the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office (DA), Los Angeles County Public Defender’s Office (PD), Los Angeles County Alternate Public Defender’s Office (APD) and the Los Angeles County Probation Department.  Other affiliated agencies include the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health (DMH), Los Angeles County of Department of Health Services (DHS), Los Angeles Office of Veterans Affairs and designated service providers.


The Office of Diversion and Reentry (ODR) Housing Court program is a collaborative effort with the Office of Diversion and Reentry, the Superior Courts of Los Angeles County, Housing for Health, and Community Based mental health and housing providers. The program seeks to provide permanent supportive housing to individuals who are homeless, have a mental health and/or substance use disorder, and who are incarcerated in the Los Angeles County Jail. The program is offered to both the re-entry population who are already sentenced and pretrial defendants who have pending criminal felony cases. For pretrial defendants, the ODR pretrial program attempts to resolve criminal felony cases early and divert defendants into ODR Housing with a grant of probation. The program offers defendants a motivating opportunity to actively participate in their treatment and to remain out of custody in order to maintain their housing. Clients in the ODR Housing program are assigned an Intensive Case Management Services provider who works with the client as they transition from custody to community. The Intensive Case Management Services providers serve as the core point of contact for the client’s medical, mental health, substance use disorder treatment, and other supportive services. Permanent supportive housing, a key component of the program, will be provided through the DHS’s Flexible Housing Subsidy Pool (FHSP).