Supervision Under PRCS

The Probation Department is committed to ensuring that supervised persons successfully re-enter the community.  The following information provides an overview of supervision under PRCS.

Conditions of Supervision

The terms and conditions of PRCS are set by law (Penal Code Section 3453). Additional conditions may be added by assigned Deputy Probation Officers (DPO) based on the current offense & prior record.

Case Plan

DPOs work with clients to create case plans to help them as they return to the community and start their new path towards a life without involving criminal activities. The case plan is meant to guide clients as we work on the life areas that can encourage you to commit illegal acts. By successfully working on these areas, clients will have a greater chance of successfully completing supervision and leading a life free of criminal activity.

Rewards & Sanctions

As part of the supervision process, clients will be rewarded for positive behavior and sanctioned for negative behavior. For example, completing a case plan goal can earn clients a reduction in their supervision level, reduced reporting requirements, or even a movie pass or gift card (subject to availability).

If clients violate their terms & condition of PRCS, they will be held accountable with non-custodial or custodial sanctions. Examples of non-custodial sanctions include an increase in reporting, new/increased drug testing requirements, GPS, curfew, and a requirement to complete PAAWS (community service).

Custodial sanctions will result in an extension of the time on supervision. There are two types of custodial sanctions:

  • Flash Incarceration: 1-10 days in local jail. No formal hearing is required and is at the discretion of the Probation Officer. Your PRCS program starts over on the day of violation.
  • Formal Revocation: similar to a formal probation or parole violation and requires a Court hearing (180-day maximum per occurrence and is served at local jail).


Similar to Probation and Parole supervision, clients are expected to report to your assigned DPO as instructed. Clients are expected to make themselves available for announced and unannounced community contacts at their residence. During these visits, the client and DPO may review the conditions of supervision, develop and update case plans, and discuss progress towards case plan goals. In addition, supervised persons are subject to “search” by ANY peace officer including compliance checks at their residence.

Length of Supervision

PRCS clients are subject to a supervision period for up to three (3) years.  However, clients may be considered for a discretionary discharge after 6 months of supervision. To qualify for a 6-month discretionary discharge, clients must successfully complete their case plan (or have made significant progress towards completing the case plan) and have 6-months of continuous supervision with no custodial sanctions.  The law mandates discharge upon the successful completion 12 months of continuous supervision with no custodial sanctions.

Auxiliary Funds

The purpose of auxiliary funds is to stabilize clients’ re-entry into the community.  In order to participate, clients must be on active PRCS (or split sentence) supervision and must be in compliance with their conditions of supervision. In addition, the requested items must support the needs identified in their case plan.

Following are examples of approved items that may be paid for with auxiliary funds: medical supplies, clothing and/or uniforms, hygiene products, and housing assistance.  The granting of auxiliary funds is not automatic or guaranteed and is based on funding availability.

Probation Department Contracted Services

The Probation Department contracts with a Community Based Organization to provide the following services: Systems Navigation, Temporary Housing & Case Management, and Employment Services.  These services are available to the following individuals:

Persons under active Post-Release community supervision (PRCS)
Persons participating in the Back on Track LA program
Persons terminated from PRCS and/or split sentence supervision (per Board motion 10/13/15)
Persons under active split sentence supervision
Straight sentenced offenders under PC 1170(h) (per Board motion 10/13/15)

Systems Navigation

  •  Provide links to community resources and public benefits that client may be eligible to receive.
  •  Assist with application processes for public benefits and services.
  •  Ensure that participants acquire all eligibility support documents (birth certificates, social security cards, valid identification cards, etc.)

Temporary Housing & Case Management
Housing in a clean, safe, and welcoming environment with an individual case plan to assist client in their path to independence. Housing types are follows:

    •     Transitional Housing
    •     Parent with Child Transitional Housing
    •     Sober Living Environment
    •      Emergency & Homeless Shelters
    •     Board & Care
    •     Skilled Nursing
    •     Recuperative Care

Employment Services
Service to increase job readiness and provide job placements through the following:

    •  Individualized assessment
    •  Employment eligibility support
    •  Case Management
    •  Job Readiness Workshops
    •  Job Placements
    • Job Retention (After Care Support)
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