Eligibility Screening/Criteria
Screening is by the Department of Mental Health Linkage Staff while in custody.
Homelessness/Transient: the defendant must not have any permanent housing or stable available housing when the crime or violation took place.
Psychiatric Diagnosis: the defendant must have been previously found to have a serious psychiatric diagnosis that requires medical psychiatric stabilization.
The Los Angeles County Probation Department Mental Health Housing Court Program wishes to build collaboration between the public, probation clients, public services, community-based organizations (CBO), and faith-based organizations (FBO).
Harm Reduction Model
The MHHC program adheres to the Harm
Reduction Model concept while supervising
the mentally ill/homeless population. Harm
reduction refers to policies, programs, and
practices that aim to minimize the negative
health, social, and legal impacts associated
with drug use, drug policies, and drug laws.
Harm reduction is grounded in justice and
human rights. It focuses on positive change
and on working with people without
judgement, coercion, discrimination, or
requiring that people stop using drugs as a
precondition of support.
Mental Health Housing Court Program Jurisdiction of Supervision
MHHC deputies supervise cases out of:
Hub 1 (CCB-Dept. 44)
Hub 2 (Airport-Dept. 71), and
Hub 3 (temporarily CCB-Dept. 44)
Hollywood Mental Health Court-Felony Incompetent to Stand Trial (F.I.S.T.)
Mental Health Housing Court Program Diversion and F.I.S.T Supervision
Diversion Supervision: The Mental Health Diversion (MHD) is a Pre-Trial Diversion funded by the Department of State Hospitals (DSH) to support the diversion of clients with serious mental illnesses who have the potential to be deemed incompetent to stand trial on felony charges. These matters allow Probation Officers to engage in a Care First-Jails Last approach to supervision. These types of cases are referred under Penal Code 1001.36.6.
The Felony Incompetent to Stand Trial – Community Based Restoration (FIST-CBR) program diverts individuals facing felony charges who are found incompetent to stand trial into community-based settings to be restored to competency. Clients participating in F.I.S.T CBR programs have the benefit of receiving ongoing supportive services from an MHHC Probation Officer. These types of cases are identified when referred under California Penal Code 1368 PC.

Mental Health Housing Court Program – Court Liaison
The MHHC Court Liaison Deputy has a fundamental and vital role in the suitability hearing process. The Court Liaison Deputy collaborates with the court, district attorney, public defender, and ODR.
The Court Liaison is present at both the suitability hearings and progress report court dates. At the suitability hearing the Court Liaison is tasked with reviewing the defendant’s criminal and mental health history and making an argument to support or oppose the defendant’s participation in the ODR program. On progress report days the Court Liaison is tasked with contacting the MHHC deputy for a conduct under supervision statement, reviewing the Adult Probation System notes, researching reports submitted to the court by treatment providers, and providing any other respective information.