
The Juvenile Field Services Division provides investigation, supervision and special services to juvenile offenders/at risk youth and their families throughout the County of Los Angeles. These identified services/programs support the Department’s mission to promote and enhance public safety, ensure victims’ rights and facilitate positive behavior change in juvenile probationers. Additionally, staff assigned to these programs serve as an arm of the Juvenile Superior Court and make appropriate recommendations to the court while maintaining and improving the family unit, whenever possible.

Regular Investigation Unit
Juvenile Investigations Officers provide court reports for referrals received from Los Angeles County Superior Court.  These reports assist the Judges in determining the appropriate disposition (sentence) of the case. Deputy Probation Officers (DPOs) conduct thorough investigations of each case which may include a review of the juvenile’s school records, drug/alcohol use, prior delinquency history and interviews with the juvenile’s parents.  Investigators assess and evaluate the needs of each juvenile and make a recommendation to court.

Special Investigation Unit (SIU)
SIU Deputy Probation Officers (DPOs) conduct specialized investigations, collaborate with Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), Department of Mental Health, and dependency attorneys to determine the appropriate plan for services and treatment of youth and prepare reports for the court that include the minor’s social, mental health, dependency, and delinquent history. The investigation report shall make recommendations to the court to determine which status will best serve the interests of the minor and the protection of society.

Teen Court offers an alternative sanction in the form of a diversion program for first time juvenile offenders in lieu of going thru the delinquency court.  Teen court consists of a volunteer judicial officer, a court coordinator (Deputy Probation Officer) and a jury composed of six peers.  Probation collaborates with the court, other law enforcement agencies, schools, attorneys, and community-based organizations in this program.